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August 21, 2014

Poetry Reading by David Roderick

UNCG Associate Professor David Roderick will read from his new book, The Americans, on Thursday, September 9 in the Faculty Center on UNCG's campus.  The event begins at 8:00 p.m. and is co-sponsored by the MFA Writing Program, the Friends of the UNCG Libraries, and the Greensboro Review.

August 5, 2014

On the Same Page Literary Festival to take place Sept. 16-20, 2014

Ashe County's Literary Festival will take place from September 16th to 20th this year and will include an engaging array of events on each day, including the ever-popular Book Fair on the 19th.  For a full schedule of events, a lineup of authors, and information about reserving a space, please visit the Festival's website at